The CloningBench mobile app is designed to provide you with useful and essential tools to help guide your cloning experiments. The app is also available for iPad.
CloningBench features:
Restriction Enzyme Finder - Search by cut-site, name or buffer type, obtain technical data that you can share easily with others and order directly from your mobile device
Double Digest Finder - Find the correct buffer and concentration when digesting DNA with two restriction enzymes.
Competent Cell Selection Guide - Quickly find the right competent cell for your cloning application and order easily. Search for chemically competent or electrocompetent cells, desired transformation efficiency, specialized application or packaging format that suits your needs.
Nucleic acid concentration calculator
Calculate the concentration of Nucleic Acids according to their optical density.
PCR MasterMix Calculator
Calculate quantities of components for your PCR MasterMix
Vector to Insert Molar Ratios Calculator
Calculate the quantity of insert required for a 1:1 molar ratio
Molar Quantities Calculator
Convert molar concentration into molar quantities and vice versa.
Bacterial Growth Timer
Determine the time it takes for a bacterial culture to reach a desired optical density.
Gene Size Estimator
Estimate the size of a gene from a known protein size and vice versa.